Medical Industry

Talentfinder® Headhunting RecruitingTalentfinder® Headhunting
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Talentfinder® Headhunting RecruitingTalentfinder® Headhunting

Talent Finder® Headhunting is part of Talent Finder®, an international collaboration of experienced search agencies. We are 650 Headhunters who work for you and your goals and we all work with the HighPerform measurement, which means that each candidate is measured on previous and ongoing results. As a HighPerform Headhunter organization, we work internationally with…

Talent Finder® for more facilities and better employees…Talent Finder® for flere faciliteter og bedre medarbejdere…
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Talent Finder® for more facilities and better employees…Talent Finder® for flere faciliteter og bedre medarbejdere…

PRESSEMEDDELELSE 04.05.2016 (HR/JOB/LIFE SCIENCE) Tryk for PDF version af denne side: [TS_VCSC_Icon_Font icon=”ts-awesome-file-pdf-o” size=”64″ animation=”ts-hover-css-bounce” viewport=”ts-viewport-css-bounce” delay=”300″ color=”#3396dd” bordershow=”true” paddingtop=”5″ paddingbottom=”5″ paddingleft=”5″ paddingright=”5″ tooltipcontent=”Tryk for PDF fil version af dette dokument…” link=”” target=”_blank”]     Rekrutteringsfirmaet A/S er et dansk rekrutteringsfirma der tilbyder: fastansatte, konsulenter, topledere, interim ledere, forskere, vikarer, nyuddannede og seniorer samt en…

Lavspændingsdirektivet 2016 (ikrafttrædelse er 20.04.2016)
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Lavspændingsdirektivet 2016 (ikrafttrædelse er 20.04.2016)

Lavspændingsdirektivet 2016 Hvis der afviges fra standarder i en elektrisk installation eller et elektrisk anlæg, skal opfyldelse af sikkerhedskravet dokumenteres. Jævnfør elsikkerhedsloven skal elektriske anlæg og elektriske installationer være udført og drives, så de ikke frembyder fare for personer, husdyr eller ejendom. Sikkerhedskravet anses for opfyldt, hvis de fastsatte regler og de standarder, som reglerne…

Life sciences in CopenhagenStor København’s Life Science rekorder
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Life sciences in CopenhagenStor København’s Life Science rekorder

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Life sciences in Greater Copenhagen Greater Copenhagen’s life sciences industry is world leading for R&D spending, clinical testing and drug development. Denmark is number two in the world for developing biotechnology and number one in Europe in number of clinical trials per capita, owing to a strong life science industry employing more than 40,000…

Denmark awarded no. 1 place in the world, to do businessDanmark indtager 1. pladsen på listen over verdens bedste forretningssteder også på innovation
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Denmark awarded no. 1 place in the world, to do businessDanmark indtager 1. pladsen på listen over verdens bedste forretningssteder også på innovation

Once again, the research and news provider Forbes has checked and listed the business friendliness and environment of the world’s biggest economies. Denmark ranks on top for a second straight year and sixth time overall. Forbes . com ranked the Best Countries for Business by grading 144 nations on 11 different factors: property rights, innovation, taxes, technology,…

Verdens førende HR software integreres i Talent Finder®
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Verdens førende HR software integreres i Talent Finder®

HR-teknologi og talent management softwaremarkedet er et af de hurtigst voksende segmenter i business IT og er vurderet til $20 milliarder globalt – og det viser ingen tegn på at være aftagende Talent Finder® A/S rekruttering og Rekrutteringsfirmaet A/S har integreret OrangeHRM® løsninger til vores portefølje af HR-software og har erfaring med cloud installationer også…

Ny rekrutterings- og HR støtte fra Talent Finder A/S
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Ny rekrutterings- og HR støtte fra Talent Finder A/S

Tryk for PDF dokumentet Ny HR støtte fra TALENT FINDER® (Life Science, HR, IT & Job marked) TALENT FINDER®  er et internationalt rekrutterings- og headhunter samvirke med repræsentation og partnere i 75 lande. Vi har mange danske kandidater og flytbare internationale kandidater ”på lager” via egne kontorer og Talent Finder®. Få kandidater til fastansættelser, vikariater eller som…

Talent Finder® A/S acquires Agiludvikling.dkTalent Finder® A/S opkøber
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Talent Finder® A/S acquires Agiludvikling.dkTalent Finder® A/S opkøber

Talent Finder® A/S acquired – a provider of IT staff, Offshore consultants and Nordic consultants. The date of the takeover is 01.01.2016. The talents base consists of; IT Engineers and “Rent-a-CTO” Agile Certified Project leaders Agile Certified Programming Knowledge NOSQL Bigdata Engineers Bigdata SAN Engineer Information Care Encryption Engineers Datasecurity and data breach Engineers…

Talent Finder® in sales agreement with NTT® (241.000 employees)Talent Finder® indgår salgsaftale med NTT® (241.000 ansatte)
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Talent Finder® in sales agreement with NTT® (241.000 employees)Talent Finder® indgår salgsaftale med NTT® (241.000 ansatte)

NTT® is established in 1955, operates in nearly 200 countries and is ranked No. 41 on the FORBES list of the worlds biggest companies. NTT has good earnings with a total sale around 10 billion dollars yearly. Both Gartner, Forbes and IDG are listing NTT® in many sectors as No. 1 or among Top 5 worldwide….

Quality Lifecycle Management – Product Lifecycle Management – PLM
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Quality Lifecycle Management – Product Lifecycle Management – PLM

Have you thought of automating the generation of your PFMEA, DFMEA and control plans to save time and money? Thereby helping the ongoing process of keeping your portfolio in compliance with internal and authorities’ requirements. Over the years lifecycle management/product maintenance has taken more and more time from the academic work force in the pharmaceutical…

Work Force and Human Resource ManagementArbejdskraft og Human Resource Management
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Work Force and Human Resource ManagementArbejdskraft og Human Resource Management

Read as PDF file One might wonder why the human resource industry in general is growing year after year. We are talking about consultants, recruiting, headhunting, interim resources, vicar service and alumni services Human resource managers recognize the pressure for effectively handling multiple tasks from workforce development to managing payroll and employment legalities. Firstly, let us look…