Work Force and Human Resource ManagementArbejdskraft og Human Resource Management
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One might wonder why the human resource industry in general is growing year after year. We are talking about consultants, recruiting, headhunting, interim resources, vicar service and alumni services
Human resource managers recognize the pressure for effectively handling multiple tasks from workforce development to managing payroll and employment legalities. Firstly, let us look at some of the surprisingly facts of interest for the HR industry from the leading research companies:
- “1.3 billion people, will work remote using mobile technology in 2015. That is 37.2% of the entire workforce.” Source: IDC
- “Video provides a 32% greater reduction in cost pr. hire. Video yields a 35% year-over-year improvement in time to hire.” Source: “Bridging distance in the Talent Life Cycle” by Aberdeen Research Group
- “Job roles will likely change, more employees may work remotely, more employees will be contracts and this picture will be continuously evolving.” Source: Deloitte
- “Collaboration across virtual spaces will need to be actively and skilfully managed – and this may require new set of management practices and training.” Source: Kelly Services “HR and the workplace of the future”
- According to research done by Redshift, integrated video conferencing in HRM and CRM systems is the number one preferred recruiting tool by the year of 2016.
Improving an existing recruiting process is a low priority for some, but what these professionals do not realise is that a new available technique is capable of greatly speeding up any recruiting process.
This technique is the video interviewing technology developed by Talent Finder® and Rekrutteringsfirmaet A/S in which you can store CV’s, reviewed job interviews and Psychology Maps/tests for later positions.
Talent Finder® has developed methods for improving the quality of interviews, handling of the meetings and handling of meetings with our customers.
Without the collaboration between existing recruiting agencies/partners, Talent Finder® could not exist.
From our sister company WWW.AGILUDVIKLING.DK the solution came with an Agile Development saving for us. From start to end we used 35 working days.
Video Recruitment and
Video Conferencing for HR Professionals has many advantages
Better Recruiting, better Training, and better Retaining of Work force and top talent
Many recruitment employees and HR leaders knows that the top talent is not always close by. However, traveling to recruit the best and brightest can be time consuming and very expensive. Companies that utilize video conferencing to facilitate virtual interviews can evaluate candidates more efficiently while significantly shortening the hiring cycle. Shortening this recruiting cycle can notably reduce the bottom line while also driving productivity up significantly.
The first few weeks of any job can be very stressful for both the new employee and an organization. Therefore, the onboarding process needs to be conducted as efficiently and effectively as possible. Using video collaboration tools for this process helps eliminate travel, creates an effective training environment regardless of location and increases efficiency by allowing multiple employees to participate together at the same time.
Conduct Efficient Training
From educating new employees to on-going education for the rest of the organization, an effective overall training process can take a lot of time and resources. A great training system can be a highly effective asset for an organization by keeping employees updated quickly with new or important information. Deploying video collaboration to conduct, record, and broadcast these training sessions can drastically increase efficiency while reducing the strain on resources.
Human Resource Management and Workforce Management Foundation
Talent Finder uses an agile developed platform capable of storing all data from hrPsychology/CRM/ERP/Video on each client.
- Our integration platform is an independent agile software development for Human Resource Management and Workforce Management based on integration of Skype for Business, Microsoft Lync Servers, Sugar CRM by SalesForce and Orange HRM.
- It also includes Internal Recruiting with CV, psychology profiles, HR metering, SMS and Email Remind booking for both onsite meetings and video meetings.
- Round Table Workforce, where two or more engineers/pharmacists solve problems, work on projects or with project management. These ‘Work from Home’ systems allows participants attending by using online video saving time and money.
We accomplish the ease of meetings (no. 1 timesaver), better evaluation quality of the recorded job interview and later on review of those for other positions. Organizations, that do not utilize the integrations above mentioned, are predicted to be left behind in the competition.
They cannot harvest the benefits of the smoother automatic handling and the thousands of hours saved.
Orange HRM is the most used HRM system in our sector and we did integrate HR Workforce Psychology profiles into Talent Finder® profiles and stored that in one screen, including past job interviews and employment meetings. On Alumni Tracker we track all students and even if they do not use Talent Finder®, we store all information about new jobs during time.
New HRM software makes integration easier
However, there is currently no software capable of handling such integration. Many great technologies works well in and on themselves but has no integration API interfaces.
That is why we recognized the need for an HR and workforce integration tool, that integrates to all ERP, CRM, HR, Microsoft Dynamics, SAP and the many existing Enterprise systems. In addition, many enterprises miss the best hires and experts, simply because the HR process itself is slow and do not integrate reminders and handle of the various systems to keep track of Psychology profiles, CV’s, Contact information and internal recruiting.
While many do not doubt this 21st-century recruiting tool, others are having problems as they are bound to monetize on software, which is not open source, not able to integrate or simply outdated according to the needs and wishes in the organization.
Talent Finder® reaches more qualified candidates in less time and at lower costs
Many universities are integrated in Talent Finder® in such a way that we can interact with students already at the year before graduating. We do not attend in all university fairs but utilize a Talent Finder® Profile Tracker and Match Care by following the candidate through many jobs and educations.
Moreover, system integration might be the right way for the recruitment industry as a whole. A lack of qualified resources is the reason. Harvard Business School reports that the online and video recruitment of students is more than 70%. Hence, as only 28% do not use use video, it is normal within the field of recruiting university-graduated students.
In addition, the fact that we can integrate our software to run with LinkedIn, Facebook, Social Media in general and other recruiting portals are crucial to get desired candidate nowadays. Pre-graduating and graduating students prefer video interviews as a means to reduce the amount of time away from studies or classes. Also because of the long lines at campus job fairs and off-campus interviews take too much of their time.
As a result, Rekrutteringsfirmaet A/S offers both HR and Workforce Management, delivering the right candidate (with psychology profile). In summary: A recent study done by HR Research concludes that companies in need of candidates want to utilize the benefits of those technologies.
No less than 75% of all companies in the Life Science industry, which has a great need for engineers and pharmacists, are likely to invest in such technologies. This is, by all means, to harvest the lower hanging fruits of more efficient handling in the future.
Talent Finder® offers a local and global moveable Workforce
The perfect job candidate may not be situated in your country. In Talent Finder® all candidates are choosing which countries they would like to work in and move to. We could never ensure the perfect qualifications and psychology research without video interviews for those and it is a natural tool in our daily Match Care.
This is due to that video interviewing and conferencing removes distance barriers to connecting with global candidates. According to recent research from the Boston based, Aberdeen Group in USA, HR managers and the recruitment and consultant industry should realize the need to embrace the integration of new technologies in order to grow their talent pool and conquer geographical boundaries.
The alternative is to recruit your resources by using companies mastering this skill. Rekrutteringsfirmaet A/S is currently the only one in Europe. Not using best breed and good business sense in order to take full value of your Talent Management can be costly.
A bad, old or non-integrated recruiting process can mean bigger costs, higher workforce, bigger organization to manage and will eventually mean less output from the HR departments. We supply contract hiring at around half the price of other agencies, as we have a bigger volume and lower internal costs.
Our candidates and services offer:
- Interim Directors, Board of Directors, CXO, managers and consultants
- Advisory consultants
- Consultants for qualification, documentation and approvals
- Recruitment of full-time and part-time employees
- Temporary and maternity staff
- Student recruitment after graduation (Alumni)
- Outplacement of work forces after ended projects
Discover the benefits, which are included in all candidates from Talent Finder® and contact us at phone: +45 77777712 ext. 222
Kindly regards from Michael Rasmussen, Director of Talent Finder®
PS: Our partner Polycom, is the author of the next INFO BOARD:
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Måske undrer du dig over hvorfor HR industrien vokser år efter år både for konsulenter, rekruttering, headhunting, midlertidige stillinger, vikarservices og alumni service.
Mange personalechefer genkender presset fra effektivt at skulle håndtere flere opgaver der spænder over udvikling af arbejdsstyrken til administration af løn og beskæftigelseslovgivning.
Lad os først se på nogle overraskende fakta der har interesse for HR branchen. Fakta er hentet fra førende forskningsvirksomheder:
- “1,3 milliarder mennesker, vil arbejde udefra ved hjælp af mobil teknologi i 2015. Det er 37,2% af hele arbejdsstyrken.” Kilde: IDC
- Video giver en 32% større reduktion i omkostningerne pr. ansættelse.
- Video giver en 35% år-til-år forbedring i tid pr. ansættelse.” Kilde: “Bridging distance in the Talent Life Cycle” af Aberdeen Research Group
- Jobroller vil sandsynligvis ændres idet flere medarbejdere kan arbejde væk fra arbejdspladsen, flere medarbejdere vil være kontraktansatte og dette billede vil udvikle sig løbende.” Kilde: Deloitte
- “Samarbejde på tværs af virtuelle rum skal være aktivt og dygtigt håndteret – og dette kan kræve ny ledelsespraksis og uddannelse.” Kilde: Kelly Services “HR og arbejdspladsen i fremtiden”
- Ifølge forskning udført af Redshift, bliver integrerede videokonferencer i HRM- og CRM-systemer det foretrukne rekrutteringsværktøj i 2016
Forbedring af en eksisterende rekrutteringsproces udgør en lav prioritet hos nogle, men hvad disse fagfolk ikke ved er, at ny tilgængelig teknik er i stand til i høj grad at fremskynde enhver rekrutteringsproces.
Denne teknik er videointerview teknologien udviklet af Agil, Talent Finder® og Rekrutteringsfirmaet A/S, hvor du kan gemme CV’ER, gennemgåede jobsamtaler og psykologi Maps/test til senere brug og stillinger
Talent Finder® har udviklet metoder til forbedring af kvaliteten på interviews, håndtering af møderne samt håndtering af møder med vores kunder.
Uden et samarbejde mellem eksisterende rekrutteringsbureauer og partnere ville Talent Finder® ikke eksistere
Fra vores søsterselskab WWW.AGILUDVIKLING.DK kom løsningen med en agil udvikling af følgende elementer:
Human Resource Management og Workforce Management Foundation
Talent Finder bruger en agil udviklet platform der er i stand til at gemme alle data fra hrPsychology/CRM/ERP/Video på hver klient.
- Vores integrationsplatform er en uafhængig agil softwareudvikling til Human Resource Management og Workforce Management baseret på en integration af Skype for Business, Microsoft Lync servere, Sugar CRM af SalesForce og Orange HRM.
- Det omfatter også intern rekruttering med CV, psykologiprofiler, HR måling, SMS og Email påmindelse samt booking for både onsite møder og video møder.
- Round Table Worklsforce, hvor to eller flere ingeniører/farmaceuter løser problemer eller arbejder på projekter eller med projektledelse. Disse “arbejd hjemmefra” systemer giver deltagerne adgang ved hjælp af online video og sparer derfor tid og penge.
Vi opnår forhøjelse af brugervenlighed på møder, bedre evaluering af kvaliteten på den indspillede jobsamtale og senere gennemgang af denne til andre positioner. Organisationer, der ikke udnytter de ovenfor nævnte integrationer er udsatte i forhold til at sakke bagud i konkurrencen.
De kan ikke høste fordelene ved den mere automatiske håndtering og de tusindvis af timer der spares herved.
Orange HRM er det mest anvendte HRM system i vores sektor, og vi integrerede selv HR arbejdsstyrke psykologi profiler i Talent Finder®-profiler og lagrede dem i ét skærmbillede. Herunder tidligere jobsamtaler og ansættelsesmøder. På Alumni Tracker sporer vi alle studerende og selv hvis de ikke benytter Talent Finder®, gemmer vi alle oplysninger om nye jobs gennem tiden.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]
Ny HRM software gør integrationen lettere
Men der er i øjeblikket ingen software der kan håndtere sådan en integration. Mange gode teknologier fungerer godt på egen hånd men har ingen integration i API-grænsefladerne.
Derfor anerkendte vi behovet for et HR workforce og integrationsværktøj, der integrerer alle ERP, CRM, HR, Microsoft Dynamics, SAP og alle de mange eksisterende virksomhedssystemer. Desuden går mange virksomheder glip af de bedste ansættelser og eksperter fordi selve HR processen er langsom og ikke integrerer påmindelser og styring af de forskellige systemer til at holde styr på psykologi profiler, CV’ER, kontaktoplysninger og intern rekruttering.
Mens mange ikke betvivler dette 21 århundredes rekrutteringsværktøj, har andre udfordringer da de er forpligtet til at tjene penge på software som ikke er open source, ikke er i stand til at integrere med anden teknologi eller simpelthen forældet efter behov og ønsker i organisationen.
Talent Finder® når ud til flere kvalificerede kandidater på kortere tid ved færre omkostninger.
Mange universiteter er integreret i Talent Finder® på en sådan måde, at vi kan interagere med de studerende allerede året før eksamen. Vi deltager ikke i alle Universitetsmesser men udnytter en Talent Finder® profil Tracker og Match Care ved at følge kandidaten gennem mange jobs og uddannelser.
LinkedIN Integration og automatisk medarbejder tracking
Derudover er det faktum, at vi kan integrere vores software til at køre med LinkedIn, Facebook, sociale medier generelt og andre rekrutteringsportaler afgørende for at få de ønskede kandidater i dag. Kandidatstuderende foretrækker videointerviews som et middel til at reducere mængden af tid der ikke bruges på undersøgelser eller forelæsninger. Ligeledes tager de lange køer på campus jobmesser og off-campus interviews for meget af de studerendes tid.
Som følge heraf tilbyder Rekrutteringsfirmaet A/S både HR- og Workforce Management og leverer den rette kandidat (med psykologi profil). Som opsummering kan det bemærkes at en nylig undersøgelse udført af HR forskning konkluderer, at virksomheder der har behov for kandidater vil udnytte fordelene ved disse teknologier.
Ikke mindre end 75% af alle virksomheder i Life Science industrien, som har et stort behov for ingeniører og apotekere, er tilbøjelige til at investere i sådanne teknologier. Dette er for på alle måder at høste de lavthængende frugter ved mere effektiv håndtering i fremtiden.
Talent Finder® tilbyder en lokal- og global mobil abejdsstyrke
Den perfekte kandidat til jobbet er nødvendigvis ikke placeret i dit land. I Talent Finder® vælger alle kandidater hvilke lande, de gerne vil arbejde i og flytte til. Vi kunne ikke sikre de perfekte kvalifikationer samt udføre psykologi screening af disse kandidater uden videointerviews. Dette er derfor et naturligt værktøj i vores daglige arbejde med Match Care.
Dette skyldes, at videointerviews og videokonference fjerner afstands barriererne for forbindelsen med globale kandidater. Ifølge nyere forskning fra den Boston baserede, Aberdeen Group i USA, bør personalechefer, rekrutterings- og konsulent branchen indse behovet for at omfavne integrationen af nye teknologier. Dette for at give vækst til deres talent pool og erobre geografiske grænser.
Vores kandidater og services tilbyder:
- Midlertidige direktører, bestyrelsesmedlemmer, CXO, ledere og konsulenter
- Rådgivende konsulenter
- Konsulenter til kvalifikation, dokumentation og godkendelser
- Rekruttering af fuldtids- og deltidsansatte
- Midlertidigt- og barselsdækkende personale
- Studenter rekruttering efter graduering (Alumni)
- Outplacement af arbejdsstyrke efter færdige projekter
Venlig hilsen Michael Rasmussen, Direktør for Talent Finder®
PS: Vores partner Polycom, er forfatteren af det følgende INFO BOARD:[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”5195″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” onclick=”zoom” css_animation=”bottom-to-top”][/vc_column][/vc_row]