Talent Finder® for more facilities and better employees…Talent Finder® for flere faciliteter og bedre medarbejdere…
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Talent Finder® for more facilities and better employees…Talent Finder® for flere faciliteter og bedre medarbejdere…

PRESSEMEDDELELSE 04.05.2016 (HR/JOB/LIFE SCIENCE) Tryk for PDF version af denne side: [TS_VCSC_Icon_Font icon=”ts-awesome-file-pdf-o” size=”64″ animation=”ts-hover-css-bounce” viewport=”ts-viewport-css-bounce” delay=”300″ color=”#3396dd” bordershow=”true” paddingtop=”5″ paddingbottom=”5″ paddingleft=”5″ paddingright=”5″ tooltipcontent=”Tryk for PDF fil version af dette dokument…” link=”” target=”_blank”]     Rekrutteringsfirmaet A/S er et dansk rekrutteringsfirma der tilbyder: fastansatte, konsulenter, topledere, interim ledere, forskere, vikarer, nyuddannede og seniorer samt en…

Local and international recruitment provides global benefits with TALENT FINDER® and VERIO®Lokal og international rekruttering giver globale fordele med TALENT FINDER® og VERIO®

Local and international recruitment provides global benefits with TALENT FINDER® and VERIO®Lokal og international rekruttering giver globale fordele med TALENT FINDER® og VERIO®

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] The Danish Life Science industry often reports sold out on skilled labour. That is why it is crucial with innovative thinking and focus in order to achieve better recruitment results. Denmark’s most important resource is not the oil in the North Sea. It is our ability to innovate from Danish and International staff who…

Life sciences in CopenhagenStor København’s Life Science rekorder
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Life sciences in CopenhagenStor København’s Life Science rekorder

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Life sciences in Greater Copenhagen Greater Copenhagen’s life sciences industry is world leading for R&D spending, clinical testing and drug development. Denmark is number two in the world for developing biotechnology and number one in Europe in number of clinical trials per capita, owing to a strong life science industry employing more than 40,000…

Work Force and Human Resource ManagementArbejdskraft og Human Resource Management
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Work Force and Human Resource ManagementArbejdskraft og Human Resource Management

Read as PDF file One might wonder why the human resource industry in general is growing year after year. We are talking about consultants, recruiting, headhunting, interim resources, vicar service and alumni services Human resource managers recognize the pressure for effectively handling multiple tasks from workforce development to managing payroll and employment legalities. Firstly, let us look…