New WebdesignerNy Webdesigner
Dear users…
We have introduced a new WEB DESIGN and a CORPORATE logo as well as more functions in general to our website.
We hope that you will see this simple good and responsive design as step in the right direction.
If you have any comments please inform us. Many of the new softwares such as our HR Management Suite (we use it our selves) can now be run as a Cloud Computing task or as a local task on your own servers.
In both cases we provide 2.048 bit encryption without all the failures you hear about on the internet.
There is also installed an upgrade to the IPR MANAGEMENT section, so that you now may register all types of trademarks online in all countries and classes.
See Agil Udvikling A/S (Agile Development) and more about APP Deveoplemtn, programming, Scrum, Lean, webdesign, CMS and portal systems and social media management on:
We are happy to receiving you feedback on +45 77777712 or email: info + innovationsupport + net.
Kindly Regards from
Rekrutteringsfirmaet A/S
Director, Michael Rasmussen, phone: +454 77777712
De bedste hilsner fra
Rekrutteringsfirmaet A/S
Direktør Michael Rasmussen, Telefon +45 77777712 lokal 277.