Til styrkelsen af vor patentafdeling hos Talent Finder A/S tiltræder PatentAdvokat, PhD, Peter Elsner
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Til styrkelsen af vor patentafdeling hos Talent Finder A/S tiltræder PatentAdvokat, PhD, Peter Elsner

PatentAdvokat MSc PhD i biokemi/cellebiologi. CDPA (Certificeret Dansk Patent Agent fra DIFI) Diploma Craft Brewer. 12 års forskningserfaring fra KU og Novo Nordisk A/S indenfor farmaceutiske in vitro-modeller til test af lægemiddelkandidater og lægemidler.

IPR erfaring og 5 år som Senior Examiner ved myndighederne og resten som Patent Attorney i fri praksis. De tekniske områder har været kemi, bioteknologi, fødevarer og diagnostik. Udvikling af IPR-strategier.

Ønsker du at Peter skal komme forbi, så ring gerne 77777712.

Ny rekrutterings- og HR støtte fra Talent Finder A/S
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Ny rekrutterings- og HR støtte fra Talent Finder A/S

Tryk for PDF dokumentet Ny HR støtte fra TALENT FINDER® (Life Science, HR, IT & Job marked) TALENT FINDER®  er et internationalt rekrutterings- og headhunter samvirke med repræsentation og partnere i 75 lande. Vi har mange danske kandidater og flytbare internationale kandidater ”på lager” via egne kontorer og Talent Finder®. Få kandidater til fastansættelser, vikariater eller som…

Talent Finder® in sales agreement with NTT® (241.000 employees)Talent Finder® indgår salgsaftale med NTT® (241.000 ansatte)
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Talent Finder® in sales agreement with NTT® (241.000 employees)Talent Finder® indgår salgsaftale med NTT® (241.000 ansatte)

NTT® is established in 1955, operates in nearly 200 countries and is ranked No. 41 on the FORBES list of the worlds biggest companies. NTT has good earnings with a total sale around 10 billion dollars yearly. Both Gartner, Forbes and IDG are listing NTT® in many sectors as No. 1 or among Top 5 worldwide….

Work Force and Human Resource ManagementArbejdskraft og Human Resource Management
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Work Force and Human Resource ManagementArbejdskraft og Human Resource Management

Read as PDF file One might wonder why the human resource industry in general is growing year after year. We are talking about consultants, recruiting, headhunting, interim resources, vicar service and alumni services Human resource managers recognize the pressure for effectively handling multiple tasks from workforce development to managing payroll and employment legalities. Firstly, let us look…

Is your company infrastructure optimizedEr din virksomheds infrastruktur optimeret?
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Is your company infrastructure optimizedEr din virksomheds infrastruktur optimeret?

Did you build the structure for expansion creating a platform for growth, or was it just what came first to mind that controlled the process. It is never too late to build platforms for growth. Platforms are the basis for company expansion; they free up resources to focus on the company’s goals. It is a…

Protect your new products todayBeskyt dine nye produkter idag
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Protect your new products todayBeskyt dine nye produkter idag

Many companies are busy with new products and spend big budgets to develop and test them. What they often neglect is to spend a few hours more securing freedom to operate by filing the right applications for their inventions. The technology today allows you to handle the protection process right from your office desk or…